Friday, August 3, 2012
Finding joy and hope in Jesus
I've been living in LaPine for the last few weeks. I share that because of the ironies. While living in Bend for over 7 years, I've made more jokes about LaPine than any other place on the planet (now I live there [temporarily!]). Every time I drive into the "city limits" and see the sign that has about as many people that live there as I do friends on facebook, I chuckle on the inside. What I realize is that our joy is not found in where we live or what kind of home we have, rather in the hope we have! At Journey Church, our mission is to transform the world, starting in Bend through faith, HOPE, and love! What do you put your hope in? Do you find an irony in your life that you can see God working through?
God wants you to care FAR more about how people view JESUS than view YOU. This will challenge you to the core. Invite a friend to experience Journey Church with you!