Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What the crap Adam?!?

Winter break is over so it’s back to the salt mines, nose to the grindstone, feet to the fire and all that stuff. The thing is, I don’t like to work. I know that there are some people out there that actually make money doing the things that they love, but I am not one of those people and I don’t know very many of them. Those that I do know don’t make a good living doing what they love, so all in all, working is a lot of work. Why are things this way? It’s Adam’s fault (as in Adam and Eve).

Adam ate the forbidden fruit and God got torqued and said that from then on we have to work “by the sweat of our brow.” So that’s it, Adam screwed up and we have had to work ever since. This may seem like a rather obvious or shallow point to make but the thing is, I don’t always live like that is the truth.

If I am honest with myself, I spend a good deal of time trying to arrange my life so that I don’t have to work as much. I have computers that pay my bills so I don’t have to write checks, I eat fast food so I don’t have to do the work of cooking, I have remotes for just about everything from my lights to the TV. I go through a lot of work try to lessen my work load but at the end of each day, I go to bed just as tired, my shoulders holding just as much stress, my brow just as sweaty (metaphorically speaking.) I am trying to undo, get around, loophole the consequences of sin. It’s like I want to remake my own little Eden right hear in my house but it never seems to work.

A little verse from perhaps the most depressing book in the Bible gives me hope and new perspective though. Solomon, the wise king from the Old Testament wrote a book called Ecclesiastes, where he goes on an extended rant about how he tried everything there is to try and it was all worthless. The guy had more money than Bill Gates, enough wives to play musical spouse for years and it was all worthless. The answer he found at the end of his rant was this “The best thing we can do is to enjoy eating, drinking and working. I believe these are God’s gifts to us, and no one enjoys eating and living more than I do,” Ecc 2:26. There you have it, we are meant to enjoy our work rather than dodge it. Eating and Drinking is good too. - Chris Ingersoll


Anonymous said...

I have to take issue with your comment that "God got torqued." He was just following through with what He told Adam would be the consequences of eating from the tree. If truth be told, I bet He was disappointed more than angry. But it wasn't just a case of God getting mad because Adam got into His stuff. Adam already was told what would happen.

ingersollink said...

I say getting torqued a little tongue and cheek. As a Dad, when I explain what is going to happen if my kids disobey, I get a little torqued that they went ahead and did the wrong thing anyway. I don't like having to discipline them so it gets me a little bent out of shape. I don't presume to know exactly what God was feeling at the time but I can try to put myself in his giant shoes and speak about it from a personal level. Thanks for the comment.

Anonymous said...

im a little offended by this... or should i say torqued about the photo. are you trying to say that my iphone, imac, and ipad are like the apple the apple that adam ate?? lol

- K. Sisson :-)

Marianne said...

Well said Chris. Thanks for taking time to do those things you do love to do!

ingersollink said...

That is exactly what I am saying Kirsten, lol