Monday, December 19, 2011

We gave it all away!!

This past Sunday was one of the craziest Sunday's in JOURNEY'S history. We have a track record of forging new paths... attempting the unknown. This Christmas we attempted an offering that was an experiment of sorts.

On December 4 we began a campaign called the "orange offering." We asked JOURNEY CHURCH to give towards an offering that they knew nothing about. The idea was to give to God. To be honest, I didn't know how the church would respond. In only two weeks, the church gave over $6,000!!! Wow, that is amazing... shocking... awesome!

This week we get to see the church in action. Many people agree that the church is not a "building" or a name or even an organization. Rather, the Bible describes a church like a body with many members. The church is people.

JOURNEY gave ALL of the money back to the people! We divided it up in cash and gave it back to the people/church. Even the kids received cash. The object is to pray about where the money should go and spend it on someone else!

So, what will happen? Well, we'll see. I'll keep you posted! As for me, I haven't spent my money yet. Our family is talking about it and I think we'll pool our resources and help another family in need. Again, I'll keep you posted.
- Keith Kirkpatrick


Anonymous said...

Have a Very Merry Orange Christmas!

On the way to drop off the kids at home I shared the Journey Orange offering with a homeless man sitting on the ground over by star bucks coffee he was so happy when given the journey flyer & envelope we shared with him how much he is loved & that Jesus loves him So very much! He gave me a super huge hug and said he will see us at church! I let him know that it was a gift from god. I felt in my heart that this is who I was to give the money too, I was praying about it when I saw him actually, Drove past him again to go home and felt the need to turn the car around Jesus wanted this man to have the offering! :) Thanks to everyone in the Church Jesus blessed someone special today!

Anonymous said...

Caitlin O'brien
‎Steven O'Brien and I used our orange offering by giving it to 3 different homeless, we gave them a flier, and told them all about Journey, and how loving the atmosphere is, and that they'll never be judged! They all three couples said they'd see us sunday! I really hope we do!