Friday, April 6, 2012


Easter weekend is one of the biggest holidays, scratch that, THEE biggest holiday for Christians. Friday is called “Good Friday”. It is the day that Jesus the Christ was horrifically and brutally murdered and shamed in front of thousands of people. His torture was so intense, they had to invent a word for it. Excruciating. The root meaning of this word comes from the word “cross”.

So we call it Good Friday? Doesn’t sound very good. Jesus was crucified for committing no crime, or no sin. What he was accused of was outright blasphemy. He claimed to be God. This threw the Jews into a rage, and actually brought the political and religious leaders together for one of the few times in history. They were known as the Pharisees, and the Saducees. They agreed that this man Jesus was a threat to both systems. The jews wanted Him dead because of His claims to be God. This would make Him the most powerful man on the earth. Neither party was willing to let this stand.

His death is candy coated in bible stories; simply stating that “Jesus died on the cross for your sins.” That doesn’t even begin to explain the severity and depth of His death. Even if you don’t believe Jesus was who he claimed to be, the way He was tortured should be enough to turn anyone’s stomach. People say that the movie “The Passion of the Christ” was too offensive, and too brutal. I still believe it was tame compared to the actual process of torture he endured. I can not imagine, well, maybe i can only imagine, what He must have gone through or looked like. Blood pouring from His head, and His skin literally ripped off His body. Blind folded, He didn’t see where the punches were coming from. Stripped almost naked, and completely shamed. Beaten beyond recognition to a bloody pulp.

His mother got to see Him walk by as spectators jeered at him, and cheered his torture on further. Imagine as a parent or a mother how you would feel watching this carnival like atmosphere of public torture. Imagine. Imagine as He hung on the cross with huge metal spikes driven through His hands and feet finding some of the most sensitive nerve bundles in our bodies, the uncontrollable shaking, and shock his body was enduring. By now His bodily functions were involuntarily taking over. Use your own imagination.

A spear was then thrust in His side, and a vinegar dipped sponge jammed in His mouth to shut Him up. A special sponge on a stick that was used to clean people up when they sat down to go to the bathroom. Yes, they used those sponges as a sort of ancient toilet paper. Then they would dip them in a vinegar solution to prevent diseases the next time that sponge was used for its purpose. If you’re not disgusted by now, you probably don’t have a heart.

Now. Picture all the sins of the world placed on a perfect sacrificial lamb so to speak.
Jesus was now completely repulsive to His own father. Imagine how Jesus felt about now. Dying for the very people who vehemently hated Him. Why?

The only, and I mean only reason I can think of is absolute unconditional love. There is no other reason. A love like that is un-comprehendible to me. Yet people ask the question; how in the world could God punish and send people to hell?!!

People: If God himself is willing to suffer that we might be forgiven, and we reject that gracious offer of salvation - what else would we expect?! Would we expect the guilty to not suffer though we are glad that jesus did suffer? - thought He was without guilt or sin?!

If God is willing to suffer, He is willing to allow you to suffer as well. That is justice.

For God so loved the world He gave his only son; that whoever believes in Him will not perish. He died for us while we were sinners. Not because we did anything good, or great, but because we didn’t. God is Love. - Steve Coats

All this would be for naught if He didn’t fulfill his promise to conquer death and rise from it three days later. He did.