Last Sunday I preached a terrible message. It was long, all over the place, and a bit chaotic in content. It actually makes me sick to my stomach. Now, I'm aware that not everyone thinks it was as bad as I do. However, I have a deep conviction in regards to preaching God's Word.... the irony is that the topic was The Bible/ God's Word.
Here's what happened. That morning, I thought, "hmmm today is going to be awesome. The message should rock - it's about the Bible!" Then as groves of people showed up, I was thinking, "hmmm, the message is going to rock... there's a ton of people!" Well, lo and behold, I had technical problems, I got lost a few times in the message and became more nervous than normal because of the problems.
When JOURNEY CHURCH gathers together on Sunday mornings, I dream of the Word of God penetrating the hearts of those who hear. I know, sounds weird. But, I believe it. I actually believe that there is a stirring of God at work in the Church and I want to be a part of it.
So, I apologize for a crappy message Sunday. I know one horrible message is not the end of the world... in fact, I'm over it. But, I do commit to prepare more, rely on the Holy Spirit more, and preach like a preacher.
The truth is, we are all ministers. Our lives should be a living message. My hope is that Sunday is the catalyst for the rest of the week. This week's message should rock... see you Sunday! - Keith Kirkpatrick